_ ____ _____ | \ |____| || || | | | \ |____ || || |ŻŻŻŻŻ | o | |____| || || ŻŻŻŻŻ| | / |____ || || _____| | / |____| || || | | Ż ŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻ ____ . . | | \ / |ŻŻŻŻ \ / |ŻŻŻŻ| ~ ¤ ~ |ŻŻŻŻ / \ |ŻŻŻŻ| / \ ŻŻŻŻ ^ ^ T H E C O M P L E T E S C R I P T VERSION: 0.5 Deus Ex PC Game Script, written by Anton "Nightcom" Forsander. Started: August 5th, 2002 G A M E D A T A Platform: PC Maker: ION Storm Publisher: Eidos ESRB Rating: M (Mature, 17+) Genre: First-Person Shooting/Adventure A U T H O R I N F O R M A T I O N Screen Name: Nightcom Real Name: Anton Forsander Design İ : Anton Forsander E-Mail: Antonf@Nameplanet.com T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S : 0.5.........................Updates 1...........................Introduction 1.5.........................Legal Information 2...........................The Script 3...........................Credits/Copyrights U P D A T E S ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ _______________ -|August 5th 2oo2| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Started to write the script to Deus Ex. Got up to the top of the Statue and went back to UNATCO HQ, and stopped there. _______________ -|August 7th 2oo2| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Added a few stuff that I missed before, copyrights added. Next update will be huge. Will update in late August or early September probably. _________________ -|October 22nd 2oo2| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I can finally play the game on my computer now hehe so now I'll update quite often. Liberty Island is almost complete and Battery Park will be done soon. _________________ -|October 23rd 2oo2| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Sent it to GameFAQs and added some more dialogues. Fixed the layout a little. _________________ -|October 25th 2oo2| ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Waiting for CJayC to accept the file. Mailed three other sites if they could put this script on their site. _______________________ /Ğ° 1. Introduction °ğ\ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ I love the dialogues in Deus Ex, and I've always wanted to be able to quote persons from the game etc, so I decided to write down the whole script, Deus Ex is my favorite game of all times. ___________________________________ /Ğ° 1.5 Legal Information °ğ\ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ This file was intended for personal use only. It can't be reproduced and/or retransmitted in any way, shape, or form. And it can't show up IN ANY SITE (or any place etc.) without my permission. Do NOT distribute this file! This file (or any part of it) cannot be reproduced or altered by any means without sole permission from the author. Any form of plagiarism will be dealt with under full extent of the law. In addition, THIS FILE IS NOT TO BE USED for any profitable (even if you fail to make any money out of it), promotional, and/or commercial transactional purposes (including but not limited to giving this file as some sort of bonus, gift, or otherwise which constitutes making money out of this file) whether the content is good or bad. No permission will ever be granted to any publisher, editor, employee, and/or associate of any publishing/ editing corporation, group, and/or business nor it can be used by any gaming guides, game sites, magazines, guides, books, or any other profitable and/or promotional media that exists in any way, shape, form (including reprinting, republishing,OCR-ing, etc.), and the like. Currently, this document is being maintained and is the sole property of Anton Forsander, and this Deus Ex script Text File is protected by ALL APPLICABLE copyright and trademark laws, patent laws, and international treaties. Anton Forsander acknowledges and respects all copyrights, patents (pending or not), and trademarks whether if it's mentioned or not somewhere in either the Deus Ex script Text File and/or site as no copyright infringement was intended. If for any reason I MUST USE any copyrighted resource, then credit will be given. This file is mine and there is no unauthorized use of it. I have never created this file so that some someone can just steal this work and claim credit for it. I have put a lot of work in this and it is far from completed. I am the only one that have the rights to change it, since no one have permission from me at the moment. ONLY TO BE on: http://www.gameFAQs.com http://www.deus-ex.org http://www.planetdeusex.com http://www.deusex-machina.com if this is anywhere else then contact me please. If you want to use this FAQ/File/Script on your site, magazine, etc. you'll have to contact me. If you want to use quotes from this file on a message board or similar, I'd appreciate it if you wrote that you used it from this file. Not to be used in your own FAQ/file and/or similar. | Thank you, hope you enjoy it. _____________________ _____________________/Ğ° 2. The Script °ğ\_________________________ |--------------------------------------------------------------------ş\ | | | | | [Liberty Island, New York City] | | | | Alex Jacobson | | Heads up, JC. Your brother Paul is on his way to meet you at the | | dock. The NSF is raiding the island and shots have been fired. | | I repeat: find Paul. I will monitor your situation from HQ. | | -- | | JC Denton | | Paul! I thought you were in Hong Kong. | | | | Paul Denton | | Welcome to the coalition, JC... I might as well start using your | | codename. Think I'd miss my brother's first day? | | | | JC Denton | | Didn´t think you'd have a choice. | | | | Paul Denton | | The NSF -- They hit one of our shipments. A few of them got away, | | but we trapped them in the Statue. | | | | JC Denton | | What are we waiting for? Looks like a textbook assault. | | | | Paul Denton | | The NSF took one of our agents hostage. The bots are holding the | | perimeter, but my orders are to hold back and send you in alone. | | I think someone high up wants to see you handle the situation. | | | | JC Denton | | All I´ve got with me is a pistol and an electric prod. | | I don´t mind a test, but UNATCO better issue some better hardware. | | | | Paul Denton | | Remember that we´re the police. Stick with the prod. It will stun | | your opponents or knock them unconscious. A nonlethal takedown is | | always the most silent way to eliminate resistance. Just in case, | | though, Manderley wants you to pick an additional weapon: a sniper | | rifle, a GEP gun, or a minicrossbow. | | | | JC Denton | | Never know when I might come up against heavy armor. | | Give me the GEP gun. | | | | Paul Denton | | The GEP gun might be useful. They have a security bot on patrol | | near the Statue entrance. | | | | JC Denton | | Great. What´s the first move? | | | | Paul Denton | | I´m going to give you a map of the island. If you can get to the | | north dock, a UNATCO informant will give you a key to the Statue | | doors. He responds to the code-phrase "iron and copper." You could | | avoid a lot of fighting, though, if you find a back way into the | | Statue. | | | | JC Denton | | I´ll see how it looks onshore. | | | | Paul Denton | | Your primary objective is the makeshift command center the | | terrorists installed at the top of the Statue, but don't forget | | about agent Hermann. We think he's being held on the ground floor. | | | | | | JC Denton | | What are my orders when I reach the command center? | | | | Paul Denton | | Interrogate the leader. We don't yet know why the terrorists would | | risk an open assault. | | -- | | | | Alex Jacobson | | NSF everywhere JC. Your orders are to shoot on sight. | | A UNATCO informant on the North Dock can get you inside the statue. | | Look for a Bum. Identify yourself with the phrase ´iron and copper.´ | | -- | | | | Alex Jacobson | | If you want to make a covert approach, remember the academy stealth | | course: stay out of their field of view, walk slowly to stay quiet, | | and crouch behind cover. Or if you have to get your hands dirty, | | remember that a headshot is a lethal takedown. | | -- | | | | [Outside UNATCO HQ, Liberty Island] | | | | Tech Sergant Kaplan | | Afraid base is under lockdown ´til the danger´s gone. Agent Denton. | | | | JC Denton | | Right. How you guys holding up? | | | | Tech Sergant Kaplan | | UNATCO command made us pull back, I guess for Gunther´s sake. | | What's the deal? We're ready to go in. | | | | JC Denton | | We´re taking a minimum-force approach. We´re cops, after all. | | | | Tech Sergant Kaplan | | Ask me, I think we should frag ´em all. You trespass on UNATCO | | property, you get pumped full of lead. | | | | JC Denton | | When due process fails us, we really do live in a world of terror. | | | | Tech Sergant Kaplan | | Thought you nano-augs were supposed to be badass killing machines. | | Guess I was wrong. | | | | JC Denton | | Guess so. | | | | Tech Sergant Kaplan | | Some advice. You get out of there, you´re gonna have to tangle with | | some real sons-of-bitches. Best thing is to pick ´em off from fifty | | or hundred paces with a scope. I scored an extra one from a couple | | of thugs we dropped down by the dock; you can have it for 700 | | credits. I also picked up 10mm ammo and some crossbow darts -- say | | 200 for one and 60 for the other. | | | | JC Denton | | Shouldn't you turn that stuff over to the quartermaster? | | | | Tech Sergant Kaplan | | Sure, I will, but ´long as command has the rest of us on parade | | drills, someone might as well put this hardware to use. | | | | JC Denton | | I´ll check back with you later. | | -- | | | | [Near the entrance to the Statue] | | | | Alex Jacobson | | Be careful; the NSF have set up a patchwork security systems here. | | | | Alex Jacobson | | The NSF put a commercial-grade security bot in this area. | | You can either avoid its patrol route or if you're feeling lucky, | | try to take it out with EMP grenades or explosives. I wouldn't | | recommend taking it on with small arms. | | -- | | | | [Near the north dock] | | | | Alex Jacobson | | It all happened an hour ago -- The barge docked and the NSF moved | | right in on it, offloading the cargo into speedboats. Our undercover | | man Harley Filben should be somewhere out on the docks now. | | -- | | | | [Harley Filben on the north dock] | | | | Harley Filben | | About time you showed up. | | | | JC Denton | | Iron and copper. The Statue is copper on an iron frame, right? | | | | Harley Filben | | Password´s enough pal. Don't think you know something about the Lady | | I don´t. My dad did tours out here. | | | | JC Denton | | I heard you could get me inside. | | | | Harley Filben | | Depends. You get your man out, take back the Statue, whatever, but I | | know the commander and I don´t want to see him get hurt. | | | | Harley Filben | | Here's a picture so you don't make a mistake. | | | | JC Denton | | You can trust me. | | | | Harley Filben | | I´ll take your word. Here´s the key to the front entrance. | | The commander´s not much of a soldier; he´ll surrender as soon as he | | sees you. I need him alive because he´s my main contact at the NSF. | | If he´s dead, I don´t have much of a business. | | | | JC Denton | | Thanks. | | -- | | | | JC Denton | | You with Filben? | | | | Drifter Woman | | I get a cut for bringing him over. | | | | JC Denton | | Tell me what you know about the NSF operation. | | | | Drifter Woman | | I´m not that high-level. The more elite troops -- they're the ones | | that took over the ship and unloaded it into speedboats. I think | | we´re supposed to be a diversion. | | | | JC Denton | | A ship? | | | | Drifter Woman | | That's all I know. The commander gave me a 10mm clip, a box of | | 30-ought-six ammo, and some crossbow darts and said, "Keep your head | | down" -- huh, like I´m gonna take on UNATCO troops. Want ´em? You can| | have the clip for 175, the 30-06 for 300, and the darts for 50. | | But if I was you, I'd avoid a head-on attack altogether and not even | | use the key Filben got. I'd go into the Statue from the back. Less | | security that way. | | | | JC Denton | | No thanks. | | -- | | | | [Guards around a corner] | | | | NSF Terrorist | | That´s the difference right there. Just take a look at him. | | | | NSF Terrorist | | Bad? | | | | NSF Terrorist | | They cut off his arm, replaced half of his face. | | | | NSF Terrorist | | Hermann, right? He´s a good soldier. Killed three of our men. | | | | NSF Terrorist | | They´d´ve replaced his whole body if it would´ve improved | | performance. If that's how you judge a man -- by performance | | -- then eventually it's not about people but upgrades, versions | | functionality... | | | | NSF Terrorist | | All I know is we could use a few mechs for ops like this. | | | | NSF Terrorist | | Soon as we buy into the cult of machine we´re just like them. | | | | NSF Terrorist | | Rhetoric, always more rhetoric. | | -- | | | | Alex Jacobson | | This power box must have been damaged in the raid. Don´t cross | | through the arcs. I´m also picking up an EMP field here...if you´re | | not careful it'll suck away your bioelectrical energy. | | -- | | | | [In front of the Statue's head lying on the ground] | | | | Alex Jacobson | | A shame isn´t it? The French terrorist group Silhouette claims that | | France was wrong to give U.S. the Statue. We think they planned the | | bombing. | | | | [Inside the Statue] | | | | Alex Jacobson | | This security stuff is strictly amateur stuff -- keep an eye out for | | ways to bypass it. These old pre-millenial buildings are riddled with| | ventilation shafts and maintenance tunnels. | | | | Alex Jacobson | | I think Gunther is being held beyond this laser triggered alarm. | | if you don´t want to set off the alarm, you can either hack the | | control panel in the doorway or find a way around... My blueprint of | | the Statue shows a few airshafts. | | | | Alex Jacobson | | Gunther´s in that room. One of our top agents. | | | | [Meeting with Gunther in his cell] | | | | JC Denton | | Glad you´re not hurt, Agent. | | | | Gunther Hermann | | Command should not have left us to be surrounded. | | | | JC Denton | | Risk is a part of the job. I think you lucked out this time. | | | | Gunther Hermann | | Agent Navarre and I were ready to go in, but for no reason they said | | pull back. I do not retreat. Please give me a weapon and move out of | | the way. | | | | JC Denton | | As you wish. Take my pistol. | | | | Gunther Hermann | | That will be adequate. I will secure this level. You proceed up the | | stairs to the command center at the top. | | -- | | | | [Near the top of the Statue] | | | | Mercenary Thug | | Did they find shipment? | | | | NSF Terrorist | | Yeah, we got the whole supply. You can see the ship's lights crossing| | the bay. | | | | Mercenary Thug | | Guess y´all we´re right. So why aren´t we pulling out? | | | | NSF Terrorist | | Mike's on the horn. JoJo wants a lead on the distribution network. | | | | Mercenary Thug | | Hell, we don´t have enough men to protect what we´ve got. | | | | NSF Terrorist | | That´s what JoJo wants. | | | | Mercenary Thug | | I wonder. How´s a guy with a tattooed forehead get to be an NSF | | colonel. Pardon me, but back in Alabama we wouldn´t let a man who | | wears earrings plan a military operation. | | | | NSF Terrorist | | I´d watch what I say about JoJo. He´s got a bad temper. | | | | Mercenary Thug | | He´s a punk and he´s gonna get us all killed. | | | | NSF Terrorist | | The NSF is strong because it represents everyone´s interest. | | | | Mercenary Thug | | Yeah, yeah. | | -- | | | | Alex Jacobson | | Gunther has reestablished contact. He says you helped him escape. | | Good work. | | | | Alex Jacobson | | Some news JC. The NSF targeted a shipment of the plague vaccine, | | Ambrosia. We can´t locate it. See if the leader will surrender when | | you reach the command post. We´d like to interrogate him. | | -- | | | | NSF Terrorist | | Let´s get out of here. | | | | NSF Terrorist | | I´m standing on my ground. | | | | NSF Terrorist | | They sprung Hermann. We don´t stand a chance against a mech. | | | | NSF Terrorist | | That´s it Private. We knew it might come to this. | | | | NSF Terrorist | | What good are we to the NSF if we end up dead? | | | | NSF Terrorist | | If UNATCO breached the perimeter, then it´s already too late. | | Get ready to fight. | | -- | | | | [Top of the Statue] [Command post] | | | | NSF Terrorist Leader | | Don´t shoot! I surrender! | | | | JC Denton | | So you think you know better than FEMA what to do with this month´s | | Ambrosia shipment... | | | | NSF Terrorist Leader | | You´re too late. It´s on it´s way back to the people, and you can´t | | do a damn thing about it. | | | | JC Denton | | Tell me about the shipment and I´ll order the troops to pick you up | | as a prisoner instead of a corpse. | | | | NSF Terrorist Leader | | Ask away. We already won this round. | | | | JC Denton | | Where are you taking it? | | | | NSF Terrorist Leader | | We´re just giving some ordinary people a chance to survive as the | | bureaucrats in Washington. | | | | JC Denton | | You´ll have to unload in New York because the choppers would spot | | you at sea. | | | | NSF Terrorist Leader | | I think the government made the plague on purpose to get rid of | | population growth. | | | | Alex Jacobson | | Well done. I'll pass on your orders to the troopers. Report back to | | base on the west side of the island. Mission complete. | | | | [Talking to the NSF Terrorist Leader again] | | | | JC Denton | | Just answer the question. | | | | NSF Terrorist Leader | | Don´t believe me? It´s all in the numbers. For a hundred years, | | there´s been a conspiracy of plutocats against ordinary people. | | | | JC Denton | | Do you have a single fact to back that up? | | | | NSF Terrorist Leader | | Number one: In 1945 corporations paid 50 percent of federal taxes. | | Now they pay about 5 percent. Number two: In 1900 90 percent of | | Americans were self-employed; now it´s about 2 percent. | | | | JC Denton: | | So? | | | | NSF Terrorist Leader | | It´s called consolidation. Strengthen governments and corporations, | | weaken individuals. With taxes, this can be done imperceptibly over | | time. | | | | JC Denton | | I guarantee you that the interrogation staff at UNATCO will not be | | as forbearing as I am. | | | | NSF Terrorist Leader | | Yeah, the secret police. You´re just bullies for a completely | | illegitimate government in Washington. | | | | JC Denton | | We will locate that shipment one way or another. | | | | NSF Terrorist Leader | | The entire executive branch is hand-picked. Nineteen of the last | | twenty-three U.S. presidents have been members of the Triateral | | Commission. The Triateral Commission is financed by the Rockefellers | | and the Rothschilds. Don´t tell me -- | | | | JC Denton | | That´s a think-tank. Anyone can be a member. | | | | NSF Terrorist Leader | | But not everyone does. | | That´s why they call it the "secret government." | | -- | | | | UNATCO Troop | | The chief finally let us loose -- we were right behind you and cut | | through them like a hot knife through butter. | | -- | | | | [Outside UNATCO HQ, Liberty Island] | | | | Paul Denton | | We´ve got the island secured. How did things look in the Statue? | | | | JC Denton | | The leader surrendered. So they were after Ambrosia... | | | | Paul Denton | | A month´s supply for the East Coast. We think they´ve taken it back | | to the city. | | | | JC Denton | | I didn´t know UNATCO handled the Ambrosia distribution. | | | | Paul Denton | | Manderley will brief us shortly. UNATCO makes sure the limited | | supply of vaccine gets to government agencies and key industries. | | | | JC Denton | | It´s good to finally see some action. | | | | Paul Denton | | Just keep a level head. You´re doing well so far. Now get inside. | | I´ll meet you in Manderley´s office, Level 2. | | -- | | | | [Inside UNATCO HQ, Liberty Island] | | | | Alex Jacobson | | Check in with Manderley on Level Two. | | -- | | | | Scott | | Come on in. The retinal scanner can read blood-vessel patterns | | right through your sunglasses. | | -- | | | | Alex Jacobson | | Remember that Mr. Manderley wants to see you. Level Two. | | His secretary, Janice Reed, has your login and password. | | -- | | | | Alex Jacobson | | You found your office. Did Janice give you your login? I guess not. | | Let´s see: JCD, password "bionicman". | | -- | | | | Alex Jacobson | | Your partner for the next assignment, Anna Navarre, is in the | | adjoining break room to the east. Maybe you should introduce | | yourself. | | -- | | | | Anna Navarre | | Are you sure you pressed the right button? | | | | Gunther Hermann | | I do not make mistakes of that kind. | | | | Anna Navarre | | Your hand might have slipped. | | | | Gunther Hermann | | No. I wanted orange. It gave me lemon-lime | | | | Anna Navarre | | The machine would not make a mistake... | | | | Gunther Hermann | | It's the maintenance man. He knows I like orange. | | | | Anna Navarre | | So you think the staff has some kind of plot... | | | | Gunther Hermann | | Yes. They do it on purpose. | | -- | | | | Anna Navarre | | My new partner, JC Denton. Don´t tell me you´re going to wear those | | sunglasses during a night operation. | | | | JC Denton | | My vision is augmented. | | | | Gunther Hermann | | Better to look good than to have distractions of another agent | | who needs backup. | | | | JC Denton | | Forgive my interruption. I just wanted to say that I look forward to | | working with you, Agent Navarre. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got | | to be briefed by Mr. Manderley. | | | | Anna Navarre | | I do not expect you to perform as well as Agent Hermann, But the | | mission will require us to more than frighten the NSF with our | | baggy coats that make us look bigger than we really are. | | | | JC Denton | | I am prepared to perform my duties. | | | | Gunther Hermann | | For instance, not to wipe out the enemy and then leave agents still | | in a locked cell. | | | | JC Denton | | No problem. | | -- | | | | Janice Reed | | Good work out there, Mr. Denton. Mr. Manderley said you handled | | yourself nicely. Welcome to UNATCO HQ. Our little family keeps | | getting bigger... | | | | JC Denton | | Is Mr. Manderley available? | | | | Janice Reed | | Yes, go right in. By the way, your computer account is ready. | | Login: JCD, password: "bionicman." | | | | JC Denton | | Alex already told me -- thanks. | | -- | | | | [Manderley´s office] | | | | JC Denton | | Reporting for duty, sir. | | | | Joseph Manderley | | The man himself. Splendid. Do accept my apologies about the | | situation topside. | | | | JC Denton | | A refreshing change from the academy, sir. | | | | Joseph Manderley | | Don't despise training, my boy. Even you would be worhless without | | the shaping touch of drills and studies. | | | | JC Denton | | So the NSF took a shipment of the Ambrosia vaccine? | | Give me a chopper and a pilot and I´ll handle it. | | | | Joseph Manderley | | I´m sure you could! Yes indeed! But we´re having your brother head | | up the recovery team. You´ll work with Agent Anna Navarre. Why don´t | | we meet when you´ve seen Jaime for a medical checkup and received | | your equipment from Sam Carter? You´ll be breifed at that time. | | | | JC Denton | | Yes, sir. | | -- | | | | [Med. Center] | | | | Jaime Reyes | | Hey, JC. | | | | JC Denton | | You look like the real thing. They actually let you operate on | | people? | | | | Jaime Reyes | | Just fixed Gunther´s knee, in fact. A sticky actuator. So far I feel | | more like a mechanic than a doctor. | | | | JC Denton | | I´m impressed. | | | | Jaime Reyes | | They actually let you point a gun at people? | | | | JC Denton | | We´ll have to catch up later. I´ve got to leave for New York right | | away. Could you send Manderley whatever it is he wants? | | | | Jaime Reyes | | No problem. Listen, JC -- about your augmentations. You know they´re | | preparing to roll out the technology worldwide right? | | | | JC Denton | | As long as I don´t turn green and grow a pair of antennas, as I | | understand it. | | | | Jaime Reyes | | Yeah, well, the design´s pretty modular, which means you´ll soon | | have access to upgrades from standard "augmentation canisters." | | | | JC Denton | | I think I picked up one of those at the top of the Statue. | | | | Jaime Reyes | | Maybe you did. My order from Versalife was on the ship the NSF | | captured. You´ll need to take it to one of the medbots for | | installation. | | | | JC Denton | | I´ll do that. | | | | Jaime Reyes | | The canisters contain a colloid of ROM Modules. Some are generic | | upgrades; others require you to make permanent choices about how to | | configure one of your subsystems. | | | | JC denton | | It´s about time they implemented some of this stuff. | | | | JC Denton | | One more thing before I go, since you´ve been breifed on my | | augmentations. What can you tell me about the Infolink? | | | | Jaime Reyes | | Let´s see... microreceiver exostructure in the sulci, mechano-carbon | | threads on the axons... for queuing, you know, packet routing... | | Anything particularly interest you? | | | | JC Denton | | Is there a way to turn it off? | | | | Jaime Reyes | | The Infolink? | | | | JC Denton | | Yeah, or is someone at UNATCO turned in 24 hours? | | | | Jaime Reyes | | This might sound a little funny, JC, but I´m not permitted to answer | | that question. | | | | JC Denton | | You clearance is higher than mine? | | | | Jaime Reyes | | Regarding your systems. I AM your physician. | | | | JC Denton | | No big deal. I was just curious. | | -- | | | | Alex Jacobson | | You´re getting warm. | | -- | | | | Alex Jacobson | | You´re red hot. Looks like you found me. | | -- | | | | [First meeting with Alex Jacobson] | | | | Alex Jacobson | | Like leading a mouse to cheese. | | | | JC Denton | | This thing is starting to give me a headache. | | | | Alex Jacobson | | Don´t worry. We shut it down when you go off-duty. | | | | JC Denton | | I guess I´ll get used to it. | | | | Alex Jacobson | | I´m Alex Jacobson, communications engineer. | | | | JC Denton | | I suppose you already know who I am. | | | | Alex Jacobson | | Getting there. You´re certainly quicker on the up-take than your | | brother Paul ever was. | | | | JC Denton | | Thanks. | | -- | | | | [At the armory] | | | | Sam Carter | | At ease, Agent Denton. | | | | JC Denton | | General Carter, I read about the Merced Operation in school. | | This is a great honor. | | | | Sam Carter | | I´m not a general anymore. Just call me Carter. | | | | JC Denton | | I can´t believe what the NSF did to your family. | | | | Sam Carter | | Enough of that, soldier. We each have our troubles. | | I lost my children, but you´ve had to grow up without your parents. | | Which requires more courage? I don´t think it matters. | | | | JC Denton | | My parents died in a car accident. That´s different. | | | | Sam Carter | | I said that´s enough. You have your own op and time is short. | | How ´bout I issue your stealth pistol? | | | | JC Denton | | That sounds fine. Thank you, sir. | | | | Sam Carter | | What else do you think you´ll need? | | | | JC Denton | | Can you spare a nanotech tech-tool? | | | | Sam Carter | | A man who uses his head -- I like that. Now move out. | | Manderley´s waiting. | | | | JC Denton | | Hey -- what about that guy out front selling munitions? | | Is that allowed? | | | | Sam Carter | | Oh, Kaplan, right. We´ve got some screwballs around here, but he´s | | not the problem. It´s whoever´s been breaking into the armory. | | | | JC Denton | | Someone at UNATCO´s a thief? | | | | Sam Carter | | Yes, sir, and a damn good one. | | -- | | | | [Manderley´s office] | | | | Joseph Manderley | | That will be JC´s job. | | | | JC Denton | | What´s that? | | | | Paul Denton | | The power station. The NSF have the Ambrosia in a warehouse | | protected by cameras and booby traps. We want to power down the | | whole system. | | | | Joseph Manderley | | We´re taking one illicit generating plant, protected by weak groups | | of NSF. Knock out that plant, and Paul´s team can walk right into | | the warehouse. | | | | JC Denton | | Just tell me where it is. | | | | Paul Denton | | The NSF are openly resisting our deployed forces, gradually. You´ll | | have to deal with them first. | | | | Joseph Manderly | | And you be ready, Paul. When the power drops, go in go in hard. | | | | Paul Denton | | I´ll use my discretion. | | | | Joseph Manderley | | Go in like the U.S. Marshals. We lose the vaccine, I´m sending your | | butt to the Mayor to explain why he and his three daughters won´t | | get their pills this month. | | | | Paul Denton | | Yes, sir. | | | | Paul Denton | | Let´s not waste any time, JC. Get down to the dock. | | A boat is waiting to take you and your partner Anna Navarre ashore. | | | | Joseph Manderley | | Yes, get moving. Here´s your op bonus for the great job you did in | | the Statue, 1000 credits. We take care of our people around here. | | The bonus for rescuing Agent Hermann goes to one of the troopers, | | though. I´m sure you understand. | | | | JC Denton | | Thank you, sir. | | | | Joseph Manderley | | By the way, Denton, stay out of the ladies restroom. That kind of | | activity embarasses the agency more than it does you. | | -- | | | | Scott | | Wish I was going with ya. | | -- | | | | Police officer | | Let´s head out. | | -- | | | | [Battery Park] | | | | Anna Navarre | | All right, let´s go. The terrorists are in a fighting retreat; a few | | have barricaded themselves inside Castle Clinton. | | | | JC Denton | | Lead the way. | | | | Anna Navarre | | Our orders are to locate a barrel of Ambrosia they are hiding inside | | -- I will give you a schematic of the barrel. But first we will | | exterminate the NSF terrorists. | | | | JC Denton | | Exterminate? | | | | Anna Navarre | | A precious opportunity we cannot neglect. | | | | JC Denton | | What about the rest of the shipment? | | | | Anna Navarre | | That is your brother´s assignment. You will take the subway to meet | | him in Hell´s Kitchen, but first we should deal with Castle Clinton. | | | | JC Denton | | Are we going in the front, or is there another way? | | | | Anna Navarre | | A secondary entrance would be useful, but I am aware of no such | | thing. | | -- | | | | Anna Navarre | | President Mead has declared a war emergency. Shoot to kill. | | -- | | | | Josh | | I´m starving. Do you have anything to eat? | | | | JC Denton | | All I have is a candy bar. | | | | Josh | | It don't matter. I just need something in my stomach so I can fall | | asleep. | | | | JC Denton | | Here you go. Do you have a place to stay? | | | | Josh | | I sleep out on the dock where they unload the speedboats. | | | | JC Denton | | Speedboats? Is that how the NSF get their supplies? | | | | Josh | | I don´t know. They´re always coming in and out of the tunnel behind | | the soda machine. | | | | JC Denton | | Interesting. | | | | Josh | | I spy on them from the crates. The code is 9183. | | | | JC Denton | | Clever boy. | | | | Josh | | Thanks for the snack, mister. | | | | JC Denton | | It´s the least I could do. | | -- | | | | [Secondary entrance] | | | | Alex Jacobson | | Looks like these tunnels head toward Castle Clinton. I can´t find | | them on the map, though. | | -- | | | | [Found the barrel of Ambrosia] | | | | Alex Jacobson | | Objective complete. Agent Navarre will describe your next assignment | | and stay behind to protect the Ambrosia. Look for her out front. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | __ ___| |___ Content Copyright İ 2002 Anton Forsander / \__/ \________________________________________________________/ _________________________________________ /Ğ° 3. Credits/Copyrights/Final notes °ğ\ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Deus Ex is İ Eidos Interactive and İ ION Storm. This txt file is İ Anton Forsander. File design İ Anton Forsander. You have to contact me if you want to use it on your site, magazine, etc. ONLY TO BE on: http://www.gameFAQs.com http://www.deus-ex.org http://www.planetdeusex.com http://www.deusex-machina.com Hope you're smart and respect all the copyrights. If you want to use quotes from this file on a message board or similar, then I'd appreciate it if you wrote that you used it from this file. Thanks for reading, updated version will be ready soon. Content Copyright İ 2002 Anton Forsander Feel free to E-Mail me with comments, suggestions, corrections etc. I do not need help with making this file/faq/script. I appreciate any corrections though. Hope you enjoy reading it, _______________________________________________________ | Daedalus:GlobalNode:Majestic//Global//12.12.12//Login | ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ