Below are screenshots released prior to December '99, in no real order. Clicking on the thumbnail will give you a maximum resolution image. Most of the images were gotten from Computer Games Online.

This is Anna Navarre. The final draft of her is much different.

300x479 - 40K

This is the main character, J.C. Denton. I think I've heard that you get to choose your appearance, this this may be one of several looks for J.C.

237x700 - 69K

Here we see Sam Carter. He's the quartermaster for UNATCO.

564x1542 - 232K
300x820 - 105K

This is Gunther Herman. Great name for a thug, eh? I've heard that the final design for this man has changed.

606x1089 - 295K
300x539 - 105K

This is Gunther Herman again. This is a full body shot. Again, he won't look quite like this in the game.

606x1089 - 284K
300x678 - 101K

Here is another view of Gunther, this time full body.

400x533 - 69K