Below are screenshots released prior to December '99, in no real order. Clicking on the thumbnail will give you a maximum resolution image. Most of the images were gotten from Computer Games Online.

Somone's dead on the floor, there's a man over there with a gun, and you're freezing in here. This just isn't your day.

1600x1200 - 573K
800x600 - 18K

That mech makes this my favorite screenshot! Eat your heart out, Mechwarriror-headz!

800x600 - 195K

Hey, It's Mr. Cool again! I'd like to personally introduce Mr. Cool to some friends of mine. I think they would *cough* get along great! Hey, Drink MG, Think Less!

800x600 - 94K

Very nice level design work! I can just see the Hammerite Priests turn green with envey!

1600x1200 - 768K
800x600 - 75K

Akk! Oh No! Not Pepper spray! I'm Melting! MELTING!! Ohh... whataworld whataworld!!!

800x600 - 117K

Stray kid, pigeons, a trashcan fire, and spraypaint that says PimpDaddy. Ahhh.. the Big Apple!

800x600 - 183K

I hope that Mr. Griffon doen't trip and fall though that dangerous looking bridge and squash one of the two orange dudes. Actually that would be kinda funny... :)

1600x1200 - 721K
800x600 - 64K

We were going to shoot Mr. Cool in the head, but it looks like he just saw us. Um, better fire NOW.

640x480 - 68K

Mr. Cool thinks he's all big and bad. Yeah, that's right, just go on thinking that. How would you like an air hole in your helmet, sir?

640x480 - 53K

I've got raggy jeans, I've got a burning trash. I've got a nice hair, who could ask for anything more?

1600x1200 - 640K
800x600 - 52K

Let us not question the contents of Mr. Orange's breakfast, rather the business of that man up on the crane. I bet he has a bannana. I like bannanas.

1600x1200 - 924K
800x600 - 95K

Everyone knows that the rats in New York City love to eat chalk. They are not there for the body, just the chalk!

800x600 - 95K

Wait a second, that's Gordon Freeman! No, wait, it can't be. Half Life had ugly graphics, and Deus Ex's graphics rock the house.

1600x1200 - 708K
800x600 - 67K

This is one of the earliest shots, and it STILL looks pretty good. Tokyo girl, Tokyo girl, you've got the moves to rule the world! heh.

1600x1200 - 679K
800x600 - 79K

"Master, how is that Golden Buddha floating?" "It's not floating, my son, they have just not implimented the shadows yet."

1600x1200 - 679K
800x600 - 79K

Even Mr. Cool has to stand in awe when in the presence of the Great Torch. I'm still mad about the rest of the statue being blown up though. :(

800x600 - 116K

If this were a Thief mission, we would take away points for the ambient light level being too low. Who knows what could be hiding in those shadows.

1600x1200 - 797K
800x600 - 77K

Actually this is a photo, and that's me. Well, okay, it's a CG rendering, but that's still me. Well, at least I hope it's the player....

1600x1200 - 763K
800x600 - 61K

This has got to be THE MOST uninteresting screenshot in the archive. Um, take a look! yeah! It's.. err... cool.

800x600 - 117K