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Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Celebrate! Three good years!
11:35:19 PM EST - Eberon
Within a day or two (back or forward, I think two days backward), Deus Ex for the PC was released.

Since then we've seen a lot of mod teams come and go, and we've seen some excellent developer support in the form of interviews (many of which you can find here, on the left bar), stimulating discussions, and additions to the game (the multiplayeer patch, of course)! It's been a long haul, and I must admit that I have only been in the scene since around August 2000 (the second demo release was what caught me up, as I'm sure it is with most of you), but every month has brought some new and interesting issues forth, related in some way to the game.

Hats off once again to the dev team for a job well done that still most definitely stands up against the test of time. Happy DXing!

Thursday, June 05, 2003

DX mentioned on The Onion
2:51:51 PM EST - Eberon
A somewhat melancholy gamer laments the future end of his Playstation 2 gaming era in the Onion's Who Will Carry On My PS2 Adventures After I'm Gone? Check it out for some laughs.

But even if I don't last forever, my accomplishments will. I refuse to believe that everything I've built . . . will one day disappear. No, if I believed that, I'd stop playing right now.

Or at least right after getting the Tracer Tong/New Dark Age ending on Deus Ex, which shouldn't take more than an hour, even if I don't check GameFAQs to see where the damn Reactor Purge switch is hidden.

TNM Updates with screenies
10:33:32 AM EST - Eberon
The Nameless Mod is at it again. The site has recently been updated with information regarding a previously unspoken-of level, DXI. A screenshot of the level, done by Beeblequix, is available now! Get over there and see the screenie and the interesting site design at the same time.

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