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Sunday, July 18, 2004

MIB Report @ PDX Forums
8:27:23 PM EST - Eberon

TTLG Forums visitor Walton Simons (how appropriate) has written up a nice couple-pages report derived from all of the available information present in Deus Ex regarding the Series P agents. Most interesting, probably, is conflicting reports about their internals, and mention that the P agents, according to in-game texts, are allegedly not modified. Interesting.

You can read that here. And by the way, if you saw anything in the game about MIB agents having an air filtration system in their augmented bodies, stop by this TTLG forums thread and help Mr. Simons out with his report. He is looking for this rumored information in the game.

Zodiac project part three at 75%
7:37:08 PM EST - Eberon

Steve Tack, long-time community member and project leader of the Zodiac mission set posted a small update last week regarding the progress of his work. According to him, work on part three is 75% done! This is definitely good evidence, along with the ever-progressing Nameless mod, among others, that the original Deus Ex is nowhere near dead silent yet.

Stay tuned to Steve's Zodiac site for the latest skinny on his work, and break out that old copy of Deus Ex and fire up his missions if you haven't already. While you're at it, grab Redsun (a few news items down).

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