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Monday, September 16, 2002

Looking Glass Studios... The Book?
1:24:53 PM EST - Dan
I have a message to relay to you all:
To all Looking Glass fans everywhere:

Hi folks. I'm a gaming journalist who's written several articles about Looking Glass Studios, Thief, and related subjects in recent years, for both gamer and mainstream publications. I'm now working on an opportunity that should be of great interest to a lot of you, and my friends at TTLG have generously agreed to help out with that:

I am talking with a major tech publisher about writing a book on the history of Looking Glass Studios: its rise, its fall, and the developers who now carry on in the Looking Glass spirit. It'll be in-depth and personality-intensive, but also include a lot of technical and creative nitty gritty for industry members and gamers, especially regarding LGS's major games like Thief, System Shock, and Ultima Underworld. Because Looking Glass' fans are such an integral part of their success-- and because the Fan Mission developers are doing such amazing things-- I also plan to devote a chapter to TTLG, its spinoffs, and the FM community.

The trouble is, while the publisher really likes the book proposal, they're not sure there's a large enough audience to justify an entire book devoted to Looking Glass Studios. (The book would be for an imprint primarily catering to the game industry, which somewhat narrows its potential audience.)

That's where you come in: I'm convinced that there must be thousands of hardcore LGS fans who aren't necessarily in the game industry, but would love to buy and read such a book. And I would love your help, to prove that to the publisher. If we can, it'll boost our chances of committing the Looking Glass story to posterity-- a rare thing, in the notoriously short-attention span of the gaming medium. But if computer games ever stand a chance of truly becoming the new medium of the 21st century, the story of Looking Glass is something that needs to be told.

So check out the poll to the right, register your vote, and make yourself heard! (And send your fellow gamer friends this way, too.)

Many thanks,

Anonymous Journalist and Dedicated Thief Lover

There you have it. We need over a thousand votes. If you are registered in the forum, Go here and vote, rather than using the website poll. If you are not registered on the forums, and don't want to be, then please use the poll on TTLG.

Please do not vote more than once, either by using multiple forum identities, voting on the site and the forum, voting on multiple sites (i.e. TTLG & The Circle) or other various and easy-to-do ways of voting more than once. We need a thousand real votes... not a bunch of fake votes.

Please do tell all your friends, and as many other gaming sites as you can. Spread the word out. Let people know we need votes.

Thank you.

Sunday, September 15, 2002

TNM still needs your help!
10:11:13 PM EST - Eberon
Another message was just recently intercepted containing the following statements from Trestkon project leader of the Nameless Mod:
Booya! We are finially in need of some voice acting for our secret PR project code named The Bonus Stuff (yes, the name sucks, we never really sat down and tried to come up with that, it was just the first thing it was called)

Anyway, there are 7 characters that need voices, your voices, so, if you have teh sexay voice, whip up a sample showing what you can do with your voice and send it to me, at Trestkon@Planetdeusex.com

Saturday, September 14, 2002

Redsun 2020 is almost there!
10:19:07 PM EST - Eberon
The title says it all: the Redsun 2020 project is nearing completion. Nearly all of the level design is completed and each piece of the game is being put together. Be certain to stay tuned to their website for progress updates!

The Nameless Mod in need of special work.
5:24:30 PM EST - Eberon
Trestkon of the Nameless Mod sends this our way:
We have a special PR project going over at TNM and we need someone to finish it up for us so we can release it and get back to full time on the mod. We need someone who has skills in mapping, camera points, some coding skills and at least a little experience in conversations would be best.
Think you have what it takes to pull them through? Send your offers this way

Sunday, September 08, 2002

Jobs at ION Storm
9:37:30 PM EST - Dan
Hey kids. ION Storm is hiring again! If you know you have what it takes, go for it! Make our Thief 3 & Deux Ex 2 dreams come true! :)


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